Explore this SPA (Special Protection Area for Birds) located in the centre of the province of Badajoz. This set of mountain ranges, dehesas and riverside forests is surrounded by extensive wetlands and traditional farming areas that constitute an incredibly diverse landscape with one of the best populations of birds of prey, mediterranean forest birds and water birds in the Iberian Peninsula.
The large birds of prey stand out, such as the Spanish imperial eagle, Bonelli's eagle, golden eagle, European short-toed eagle, booted eagle, black-winged kite, griffon vulture, black vulture or Egyptian vulture, among others; and they share territory with the black stork.
Other birds of interest are the black wheatear, blue rock thrush, White-rumped swift, pallid swift, Iberian green woodpecker, purple heron, gull-billed tern and many more. You can reach a list of more than 100 species in one day.
DURATION: 9 hours.
1 pax: 240 €
2 pax: 280 € (140 € p/p)
3 pax: 300 € (100 € p/p)
4 pax: 320 € (80 € p/p)
5 pax: 350 € (70 € p/p)
6 pax: 360 € (60 € p/p)
EXCLUSIVE SERVICE: Don't share vehicle with other people, personalized service.
RECOMMENDED TIME: End of summer, autumn, winter and spring.
INCLUDE: Transport in 4x4, capacity for 6 clients, nature guides, binoculars for each one and telescope; and civil liability insurance.
Resident species
Spanish imperial eagle, golden eagle, bonelli's eagle, black-winged kite, black vulture, griffon vulture, blue rock thrush, black wheatear, red-billed chough.
Winter species
Red kite, merlin, osprey, firecrest, dunnock, song thrush, common chiffchaff, euroasian bullfich, common crane.
Summer species
Black stork, egyptian vulture, black kite, booted eagle, short-toed eagle, white-rumped swift, alpine swift, european turtle dove, red-necked nightjar, common cuckoo, great spotted cuckoo, western orphean warbler, western subalpine warbler.
Migrant species
Ring ouzel, whinchat, northern wheatear, pied flycatcher, spotted flycatcher, etc.